AXIS Giving Tree

Thank you for the generosity you have shown our school! The Giving Tree requests continue to pour in! If you have a gift to return, please include your name on the ornament so we can be sure to send you a thank you! The Giving Tree we be up through December 18th, so there is still plenty of time to participate. You can participate in the following ways 
  • To meet a need: Please browse the assortment of current needs displayed on the tree. If you would like to fulfill a request, take the ornament off the tree and keep it until you have purchased the item. Then bring the requested item PLUS ornament to the front desk. Feel free to take more than one ornament, but PLEASE only take ornaments off the tree if you are sure to fulfill the need. Once an ornament is removed, we will not be able to replace it.  
  • To request a need: If you are a current AXIS family and have a need for an AXIS student, please complete our request form. These forms are strictly confidential and student information is only shared with the Business Manager. You may also email Jenny at [email protected] with questions.