Student Fees


Updated 7/15/19

•  General Student Fee

In accordance with state law, AXIS may charge fees that are reasonably necessary for and reasonably related to the actual cost of textbooks or expendable supplies not provided free of charge. These fees are adopted by the AXIS Board and reviewed annually.

• AXIS International Academy Student Fee Schedule  
Full-time Students:  $100 
Part-time and Home School Students: $50

• Sibling Discounts 

Sibling discounts are available for families with more than one student attending AXIS. After the first student fee is paid, any remaining siblings would receive a 20% discount on the total amount of their student fees. 

• How Do I Submit Payment? 

  • Cash brought to the front office
  • Check brought to the front office (made out to AXIS International Academy) 
  • Credit card through your Infinite Campus account (coming soon)

• Exemptions from Student Fees 

Students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch under the federal poverty income guidelines, including homeless and foster students, are eligible to receive waiver of all mandatory fees, fines and charges upon request.  Teachers and principals will make every effort to ensure that no student is denied the right to participate in field trips or other enrichment activities because of lack of funds. Students qualifying for a fee waiver shall receive it without unnecessary embarrassment or public exposure of their need. Families who believe they qualify for a fee waiver must contact the School Leader to make such request. 

Families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch prices, but are experiencing financial hardship, may contact the School’s Social Justice committee to apply for a student fee scholarship or discounted rates. 

For more information about student fees, check out our Parent and Student Handbook.