Liz Rand » RULER at AXIS


What is RULER?
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER is also an acronym for the skills of emotional intelligence:
  • Recognizing emotions in oneself and others
  • Understanding the causes and consequences of emotion
  • Labeling emotions with a nuanced vocabulary
  • Expressing emotions differently depending on context
  • Regulating emotions with helpful strategies
The RULER Approach provides a thoughtful and well-designed progression for supporting staff, students, and families as they grow in social and emotional competence through ongoing professional development opportunities for school staff and a multi-year differentiated curriculum for classroom instruction that addresses the development of social and emotional skills in a developmentally sensitive manner.
One of the foundational principles of AXIS is attention to social, emotional, and cognitive skill development. At AXIS we believe in implementing evidence-based curricula like CKLA and Singapore Math in Focus across all areas, including the area of our S in AXIS - social emotional learning (SEL). After extensive research into reviews of evidence-based SEL curricula, we selected RULER because it best met our criteria, spans preschool through 6th grade, provides tools that can be used at school and home, and is available in English and Spanish. Our Mandarin and French teachers have done an amazing job putting the information into these languages as well.
Components of RULER were first introduced at AXIS during our first year of operation. This school year, we have been focusing on staff professional development to support sound and thoughtful integration of the RULER curriculum into our approach to learning throughout the school. This spring, our students will deepen their experience with two RULER tools that are currently part of our regular practice: the Charter and the Mood Meter.
As we continue to grow together in the application of these tools in our classrooms, we'll also build skills for the Metamoment (spring 2024 for some classes) and the Blueprint (Spring 2025). For more information on the RULER tools, see below
For more about RULER:
For more about RULER at AXIS (2023-2024):
See what we're learning! If you have specific questions about your child's classroom, please contact their teacher.
Coming soon for Elementary Students:
The Metamoment (some classes, Spring 2024)
Core Routine: Focused Breathing