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School-wide Family Survey

Family feedback is a foundation of who we are and is essential to our commitment to continuous improvement. As we enter into the final planning phase for the upcoming school year, we are looking forward to incorporating your feedback on two levels: the School-wide level and the teacher level.
On the brief School-wide survey below we do kindly ask you to include your email and name so that we can reach out to you if we need to learn more about any positive or constructive feedback you share. Please note that names will only be shared with AXIS administration.  
A few notes:
  • This School-wide survey is open today through next Wednesday 4/21 (please take ASAP)!
  • Please complete one per household.
  • This School-wide survey should take just ~7 minutes.
  • Next week we will share a brief Teacher survey where you will have an opportunity to share feedback on your child's teachers. 
  • We will ask about inclusion of your family's basic information in our grade level family directories, please read that question carefully.


Please select the language(s) your child(ren) is/ are learning:*
Answer Required
How important are the following educational priorities in your decision to have your child(ren) attend AXIS? *
Answer Required
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
A - Academic excellence though evidence-based academic programs in two languages: Core Knowledge, Singapore Math, and authentic Partner Language Arts Programs
X - Cross cultural competence through a multicultural education with diverse staff and student body
I - Immersion in World Languages, the AXIS 50/50 Language Immersion Model.
S - Social-emotional and cognitive skills development, a commitment to develop the whole child, teach character and social emotional and cognitive skills.
Please share your rating on the following factors: (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, Not Sure)*
Answer Required
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Not Sure
AXIS holds high standards for my child(ren)'s academic success in English.
AXIS holds high standards for my child(ren)'s partner language growth in their Partner Language.
AXIS holds high standards for my child(ren)'s behavioral and social emotional success.
AXIS cares about my child(ren)'s social-emotional well-being.
My child(ren) is (are) receiving a quality education at AXIS.
I believe my child(ren) are safe at AXIS.
School Family Communication: How helpful do you find the following forms of communication? (Options: Very Helpful, Helpful, Somewhat Helpful, Not Helpful, I Do Not Receive, I Do Not Use)*
Answer Required
Very Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Not Helpful
I Do Not Receive
I Do Not Use
Weekly Schoolwide Newsletters from Administration posted on our website at www.AXIScolorado.org/updates/
Occasional Emails from teachers
Text Alerts
Auto Calls (i.e. for delayed start due to weather)
AXIS Colorado Facebook Page
www.AXIScolorado.org Website 
The Operations staff including Finance and Operations Manager (Jenny Whitaker), Family Programs Manager (Morgan Benton) and Administrative Assistant (Angie Collums) are... (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, I have not had enough interaction)*
Answer Required
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
I have not have enough interaction to answer
The Specialist staff including Program Specialist (Melissa Schramm) and Student Services Specialist (Candy Winans) are... (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, I have not had enough interaction)
Answer Required
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
I have not have enough interaction to answer
The Head of School (Kari Anne Calarco) (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, I have not had enough interaction)*
Answer Required
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
I have not have enough interaction to answer
The Head of School effectively carries out the mission of the school.
The Head of School effectively communicates.
The Head of School promotes positive behavior supports.
Pandemic Response: how satisfied are you with AXIS’ approach to the various aspects of the pandemic? (Options: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Not Sure)*
Answer Required
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Sure
Communication from AXIS Administration
Following Public Health Guidance
AXIS at Home Remote Learning Option
Maintenance of high expectations for learning even while in remote learning
Flexibility of Family Choice (ability to choose on-site or at Home)
Would you be interested in a carpooling organization service to help connect with AXIS parents near you?*
Answer Required
We are expanding our family directories, which will include sharing basic information (your name, your child's name, your email, phone number and zip code *NOT address* with other families in your child's grade. If you do not wish for this information to be shared, please indicate that below. *
Answer Required
Overall AXIS Experience*
Answer Required
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Sure
How satisfied are you with your child(rens)'s overall experience with AXIS? (Options: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Not Sure)
Confirmation Email