Dozens of peer-reviewed research articles tout the benefits of learning another language, which span nearly all categories: socio-cultural “language learners develop a more positive attitude toward the target language and/or the speakers of that language; academic achievement “language learning correlates with higher academic achievement of standardized test measure;” cognitive “evidence that early language learning improves cognitive abilities;” and financial/economic “bilingualism directly benefits individuals by increasing their earnings relative to their peers, their job opportunities and labor mobility, and their chances at promotion to higher levels.”
Language immersion is a technique in which two languages are used for instruction in a variety of topics, including math, science and social studies. School-based immersion programs are intensive language programs that aim for academic achievement, bilingual/biliterate development, and increased cultural proficiency in both English and the students chosen partner language. Students at AXIS International Academy will receive 50% of instructional time in English and 50% in a partner language (Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, or French).

We offer language immersion in three languages:
Not sure which one to choose? Click on the language to learn more!

A partner language is the second language in addition to English, in which the student will learn (either Spanish, French or Mandarin Chinese). We call these languages “partner languages” as both languages are equal, and one is not considered less important or “foreign."

AXIS leans into academic rigor and student success. AXIS defines academic rigor as mastery of the Colorado academic standards through the content-rich instruction of Core Knowledge and Singapore Math curricula delivered in two languages. The Colorado academic standards outline the critical skills our students should be able to demonstrate each year. The Core Knowledge scope and sequences identifies the essential knowledge across math, literacy, literature, science, social studies, music and art throughout preschool through 5th grade that empowers children to be responsible and informed citizens. This knowledge also gives students the academic language necessary to access important grade-level content, read and comprehend at grade level, and meet or exceed proficiency targets on state tests. We believe in the four premises of knowledge-based schooling, and we believe it contributes to academic rigor and student equity:

  • Knowledge builds on knowledge;
  • Knowledge is the key to comprehension;
  • Shared knowledge makes communication possible;
  • Equal access to knowledge promotes excellence and fairness

A typical day at AXIS includes 50% instructional time in the students partner language (Spanish, French or Mandarin Chinese), and 50% instructional time in English. All students will also receive 45 minutes of specials daily as well as recess breaks and a 30 minute lunch.

Charter schools are public schools that operate under a “charter” contract between the board of the charter school and the charter school’s authorizing entity (either the school district or Charter School Institute). Charter schools commit to meeting the specific academic, financial, and operational performance goals outlined in their charter contract and state and federal law but have flexibility in determining how to achieve those goals. Charter public schools, just like traditional public schools, are tuition-free and open to all students. They receive state funding based on a formula that considers the number of children enrolled in the school.
The charter authorizer for AXIS International Academy is the Charter School Institute (CSI). To read more about the role of a charter school authorizer, click here.

AXIS International Academy and Preschool and Home School Enrichment is located at 2700 S. Lemay, Fort Collins, CO 80525, near the intersection of Drake and Lemay. AXIS is located inside the Clearwater Building. 
The word AXIS is an acronym, representing our four key principles:
  • Academic Excellence - We keep high expectations for all students and staff in behavior and learning.

  • X Cross-Cultural Competence - We intentionally teach skills that build cross-cultural competency crucial for postsecondary and workforce readiness in our global economy.

  • Immersion in World Languages - We offer students a dynamic, content-rich, multicultural education where learning happens in a strong, research-based 50/50 language immersion model through two languages: English AND Spanish, French, or Mandarin Chinese.

  • Social-Emotional and Cognitive Skill Development - We believe deeply in a Whole Child approach. We nurture the well-being of our staff and students, and we intentionally develop and reinforce skills across all developmental domains: social, emotional, cognitive, and physical.