AXIS International Academy Home


Coffee Talk

Time: 8:10 AM – 9 AM
Location: Staff Lounge

Give your Child the World

About Us

AXIS International Academy is a public dual language immersion charter school for students in kindergarten through 6th grade. We also offer a tuition-based preschool for students ages 3 - 5. Join us to learn Spanish, French, or Chinese; and experience an education where academic excellence meets language acquisition.
AXIS is one of the most diverse local schools, and our AXIS Explorers truly have a multicultural, international experience - right here in Fort Collins.
Student Photo


A Lifetime of Learning Begins Here.
  • Cognitive Bilingual children develop superior attention, mental flexibility, and memory.
  • Academic Bilingual students do better on standardized tests in math, reading, and vocabulary.
  • Health Bilingualism is found to help delay the onset of cognitive decline.
  • Economic Increases number of job opportunities and leads to higher salaries.
  • Social Language learners develop a more positive attitude towards others of different backgrounds.
  • Other Benefits Language learning boosts self confidence and improves memory.

Our Mission

By advancing academic excellence, cross-cultural competence, multilingualism, and social-emotional and cognitive development, AXIS International Academy and AXIS International Preschool empowers children to lead choice-filled lives and be thriving citizens of character in their local and global community.
  • Academic Excellence
  • X Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • Immersion in World Language
  • Social-Emotional & Cognitive Skills