Progress Reports, Conferences, Early Access & Assessment
AXIS Family-Teacher Conferences
Family Conferences Agenda
- Introductions
- Child Strengths
- English and Partner Language Social Emotional Learning
- English Communicating, Reading, and Writing
- English Math
- Partner Language Math
- Partner Language Listening and Speaking
- Partner Language Reading and Writing
- English Overall Goal
- Partner Language Overall Goal
AXIS Trimester Reports
- AXIS Trimester Reports
- Each trimester AXIS will share a trimester progress report with families (click here to view a sample progress report). This information that will be in the progress report will guide the conversation at family conferences. Please see below for the areas assessed.
- Social Emotional Learning in English and Partner Language: Respect, Relationships, and Responsibility.
- English Communicating, Reading, and Writing based on the Colorado Academic Standards taught through Core Knowledge Language Arts (primarily Core Knowledge Language Arts, CKLA, Skills strand).
- Math standards proficiency in English and Partner Language using the Singapore Math method.
- Partner Language Acquisition in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (see Rubric and Annual Language Proficiency Targets).
- Click here to view a great little video for parents about your child's partner language proficiency and how we measure this at AXIS.
- Partner Language Acquisition in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (see Rubric and Annual Language Proficiency Targets).
- Mastery of Core Knowledge: literacy, social studies, and science content integrated with language arts into units in both English and Partner Language.
- Art, Music, and Physical Education standards in English
- Benchmark and Interim Assessments
- Renaissance Learning STAR
- Administered during beginning, middle and end of year benchmark windows (more frequently for students who score below benchmark).
- Reading* (Grades 2-6, and 1st grade students who score above benchmark on the Star Early Literacy assessment)
- Early Literacy* (Grades K-3 students in the fall and ongoing for students who score below benchmark on the Star Reading assessment)
- Math (Grades 1-6)
- These assessments are used in English and Spanish for some Spanish learners.
- A Family Report will be shared at the end of every trimester.
- Benchmark and Interim Assessments
- End of Year Assessments (shared with families in following August)
- CMAS Colorado Measures of Academic Success state standards-based communicating, reading, writing, and math assessment in March/April administered annually for grades 3-6. Science is added for grade 5.
- End of Year Assessments (shared with families in following August)
- AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency of Language) administered annually in March/April to students in grades 4-6
Understanding Percentiles
Other State-required Assessments and Student Plans: Kinder Readiness, READ Plans, and EL (English Learner) Plans
- Per State statutes, other assessments and student plans may be required for some students, including School Readiness Plans for all Kinder students. These will be shared at family conference.
- Kindergarten Student School Readiness Plans
- State statute CAP4K requires all kinder students in a publicly funded school be assessed using a state-approved school readiness assessment to assess readiness across six domains: Social-emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Language, Literacy, and Math. The purpose of school readiness assessment is to inform the development of an individual school readiness plan in order to provide a responsive learning environment for each child.
- As a charter school, AXIS received a waiver in regards to the specific assessment used. We sought this waiver to allow our teachers to use more efficient measures better aligned with and embedded in our school evidence-based curricula.
- Student READ Plans
- In alignment with the Colorado statutory READ Act, AXIS composes and implements READ Plans for students who are identified as having significant reading deficiency in grades kinder through 3rd grade. Although not required, AXIS also implements plans for students in 4th and 5th grade who are reading below grade level.
- Student READ Plans
- Federal and state statutes require the administration of the Home Language Survey for all students. If this survey indicates there is a language of influence spoken in the home other than English, the child is given an assessment screener to determine the child's level of English language proficiency. If the child's English proficiency is below a specific level then the child is identified as an English Learner, and additional supports will be provided to the child to grow their English proficiency.
- These assessment results and supports are included in the child's English Language Learner Language Development Plan. Students identified as ELs will also be assessed annually with the ACCESS test.
- The research strongly supports dual language immersion schools as the best program option for ensuring academic success for students identified as English Learners. We highly encourage families of English Learners to choose their native language for their child at AXIS. An additional language can be added in middle or high school.
- Over 35% of AXIS students speak a language other than English at home, and we view this as an asset to our school community.
Assessment Information / Parent Refusal
- Get Ready for School Ice Cream Social (August)
- This event is held the week before school starts to support families and students in getting ready for the first day of school: meet teachers and peers, visit classrooms and learn the physical space, get AXIS family badge for entering the building each day, learn about other important procedures, and have fun.
- Back to School Night (September)
- This event is held a couple of weeks into the school year and offers a chance for families to hear directly from AXIS administration and teachers about more specific details happening at the classroom and schoolwide level.
- Family Conferences (October for all kids and April for some kids)
- See details below.
- Winter Festival (February)
- At this event we celebrate kids' Carnival and Chinese New Year with festivities and a showcase of student musical performances and a student art gallery.
- End of School Celebrations (last week/days of school)
- 5th Grade Graduation and Partner Language Presentations
- Kindergarten Continuation
- Preschool Continuation
Kinder Readiness
Exceptional Children: What is Early Access?
What is Early Access?
To meet the needs of "highly advanced" children who have not yet entered kindergarten or first grade, AXIS Interational Academy does have the Early Access process available. These highly advanced gifted children who must have a body of evidence that is at or above the 97th percentile. The students selected for Early Access must be academically, emotionally, and behaviorally ready to fully participate in all aspects of public school. This process is not for typical children who are ready for kindergarten, but they miss the October 1 kindergarten/first grade entrance date. Rather, this process is really for the top 3 percent or less of the gifted population.
The determination as to whether a student qualifies for the AXIS Early Access Program is solely within the discretion of AXIS staff. “Highly-advanced gifted child” means a gifted child whose body of evidence demonstrates a profile of exceptional ability or potential compared to same-age gifted children. To meet the needs of highly-advanced development, early access to educational services may be considered as a special provision for the highly-advanced gifted child who exhibits exceptional ability and potential for accomplishment in cognitive process, academic areas, and behavior.
Please see additional details below.
Exceptional Children Early Access at AXIS
Gifted Programming at AXIS
- Parents and school staff (to include any contracted support staff) can refer a student for evaluation for gifted services. Individuals reach out to the gifted lead to make a referral.
- The timeline from the receipt of a referral to a determination by the Gifted Education Review Team is 30 days. Sometimes, more information or assessment is needed and that timeline needs to be extended.
- The following sources of data are collected to gather a robust body of evidence: CogAT full assessment universal screening in grades 2 and 6; STAR benchmark assessments; CMAS assessments (if applicable); classroom formative and summative assessments; teacher assessment of classroom performance; current progress report grades; parent and teacher behavior observation scales, SIGS; ACCESS assessment (if applicable); AAPPL assessment (if applicable).
- AXIS will require at least 1 qualifying data point that is supported by the student’s BOE. AXIS utilizes a talent pool for students who do not meet the gifted criteria with their body of evidence.
- AXIS participates in universal screening at grades 2 and 6. Students entering AXIS without screening information may also be screened during the screening window for grades 2 and 6. A full CogAT assessment is used as the universal screener.
- The Gifted Education Review Team communicates determination results via physical mail. The team has ongoing communication with the parents or guardians to ensure that families understand the outcome and process of the evaluation. Gifted_Determination_DoesNotQualify template.docx Gifted_Determination_Qualifies-template.docx
- The development of the ALP begins within 2 weeks of the determination.
- Programming occurs mainly in the general education classroom. Emphasis is placed on the partner language in the development of the ALP goals and with the gifted programming.
- Gifted students will be given differentiated work to support their ALP goals.