Pick Up / Drop Off Procedures
- Safety is our #1 Priority!
- No phone usage while in a moving vehicle.
- Drive slowly.
- Watch out for children who walk home and ride their bikes.
- No Left Turns
- Always enter AXIS via heading North on Lemay and turn Right into our parking lot.
- Always exit AXIS by turning Right (North) onto Lemay when exiting the parking lot.
- Do not enter or exit AXIS from Drake
- Each child will have a backpack tag they will receive at the Back to School Social, or the first week of school. This should be attached to the top backpack loop. This will include their first and last name, grade, language and morning teacher.
- Each household will receive two car placards (pick up signs) with their last name and a unique household pin number that should be displayed on the right side of the front dash each day during pick up.
- No parking is allowed on the neighborhood streets (Bluebonnet Ln, Peony, Zinnia). These are private roads and parking here may result in a fine or towing of the vehicle.
Drop off will occur from 7:45AM-7:55AM and pick up will occur from 3:00PM-3:10PM. As families pull through the pick up line, AXIS staff will use two-way radios and the Driveline system to call for the students by name or by entering the pin number that is displayed on the dashboard. AXIS Staff will send out children and escort them to their vehicle. In order to keep the traffic flowing smoothly, we encourage any children who require assistance with buckling into their car seat to use the Park and Walk option, While in the loading loop, all passengers must remain in their car (do not attempt to get out to assist your child with their seatbelt).
What Are My Options for Drop Off/Pick Up?
- AXIS Kid to Curb Service: In order to reduce congestion and maximize efficiency we highly recommend all parents to use our Kid-to-Curb drive through pick-up and drop off service.
- Park & Walk: For students who need assistance getting in and out of the car, or for those families who prefer to walk their student to the front door, you may utilize the Park & Walk lot. Please see specific instructions in the Park & Walk section.
- Bike: Students and families who ride bikes to AXIS in the morning will be using the Drake entrance and exit. Bike riders will enter AXIS via the rolling gate (this will be opened at 8:00AM for drop off and at 3:05PM for pick up). Bike riders should exit the campus in the same direction to ensure bike riders are not in the vehicle traffic flow.
1. Kid to Curb: All AXIS families who wish to use our drive-thru “Kid to Curb” service will drop off and pick up using our drive-thru lane.
- Drop off and pick up entrance via North on Lemay, turn RIGHT onto Feathergrass
- Follow Feathergrass east until you will turn left and left again to join our drive-through queue, obey all AXIS staff and volunteers.
- Students using “AXIS Kid to Curb” service must be able to unload and buckle without parent/staff assistance. PLEASE DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR WHILE IN THE LOADING LOOP.
- All vehicles must exit by turning RIGHT onto Lemay.

2. Park and Walk: For students who need assistance getting in and out of the car, or for those families who prefer to walk their student to the front door, you may utilize the Park & Walk lot.
- All families who would like to walk their student to class must park in the "Park and Walk" parking lot for both pick up and drop off.
- All Park and Walk families (pick up and drop off) will gather inside the playground gate just east of our front entrance.
- Park and Walk: Drop Off
- Park and Walk families will walk their students up to the front entrance of the school. Staff will begin welcoming students into the school at 7:50am. If you arrive early, you may wait alongside the playground fence, or wait in your car. Before Care is also available for students needing to be dropped off before 7:50am (see below for more information about before care)
- At 7:50am, our front doors will open and staff members welcome students into the building.
- Park and Walk: Pick Up
- Park and Walk families will park in the Park and Walk parking lot and across the crosswalk adjacent to the playground. At 3:05PM an AXIS Staff Member will open the playground gate so parents may walk around the building and line up near the glass (cafeteria) doors for pick up.
- Please bring your car placard that displays your child's last name (if you do not have one, we will get one to you) and have ready to display to staff.
- At 3:10PM and AXIS staff member will dismiss your students from the cafeteria to meet you.
- Please be extra cautious when walking your child back to your car as the parking lot and driveways will be busy with exiting traffic

3. Bikes: For families who ride their bikes to school, please use the entrance from Drake and turn right onto Feathergrass. For before and pick up, we will open the large sliding gate on the east side of the building. You will be able to walk bikes up to the east (cafeteria) doors to check out your child. Please exit the same way (via Feathergrass/Drake) to avoid the drop off/pick up traffic
- AXIS Kid to Curb Drive-Thru Service
- Park and Walk
- Bike Lane

Mid-Day Pick-Up Process (Elementary and Preschool)
Raptor Identification Process for All visitors