About » Accountability and Compliance

Accountability and Compliance

As a publicly funded charter school, AXIS International Academy abides by all compliance and transparency requirements. On this page you will find links to the various areas of compliance and links to applicable documents and information. 
AXIS Board of Directors and Governing Documents:
The AXIS Governing Board is the ultimate authority and policy-making body for the school. The Board will provide strategic guidance for the school and will effectively oversee and review the school principal. As stewards of the AXIS mission, the AXIS Board of Directors will focus on the outward vision of AXIS International Academy.
AXIS Board Policies
The AXIS Governing Board is the ultimate authority and policy-making body for the school. AXIS mission, the AXIS Board of Directors will focus on the outward vision of AXIS International Academy
AXIS Financial Transparency
As required by the Public School Financial Transparency Act, AXIS has made financial information online and available for download, free for public access.
Performance Reports
AXIS International Academy is authorized by the Colorado Charter School Institute (CSI). The CSI approach to authorizing charter schools balances autonomy and accountability. The CSI Annual Review of Schools (CARS) is used to evaluate and accredit CSI charter schools annually based on academic, financial, and organizational performance. 
Unified Improvement Planning (UIP)

The Education Accountability Act of 2009 requires each Colorado district and school to create an annual improvement plan. The intent is that schools and districts create a single plan that has true meaning for stakeholders. Click here for the AXIS UIP.

Student Data Privacy
Under Colorado’s Student Data Transparency and Security Act, AXIS is required to post and maintain certain information on its website.