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Transportation Interest

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Dear AXIS Families, 

We understand that transportation is a concern for a few families in working out the logistics of attending in our new location. AXIS is currently working with CEC to determine the possibility of having AXIS students ride the bus. 

In this scenario there are a few important pieces to know:

  • The morning bus would pick up AXIS (and CEC) students at 2130 W. Horsetooth Road/nearby location (time is not decided yet)
  • The bus will be a multi-age bus, transporting CEC middle school and high school students, in addition to AXIS elementary students.
  • After picking up the students, the bus would transport the CEC students to CEC Middle and High School and then transport AXIS students to the new AXIS facility. 
  • The afternoon bus would follow the opposite route delivering AXIS and CEC students back to 2130 W. Horseooth Road/nearby location for pick up.
  • Transportation is not available to preschool students. Students must be registerd for full day kindergarten-5th grade to be eligible.

 If this is an option you would like to consider for your student(s) please complete the following information.

Do you have a student who will be attending CEC middle/high school who will also be riding this bus?
Answer Required
If you answered "yes" to the question above, please answer the following question (otherwise skip this question): If the AXIS siblings cannot ride the bus, will your CEC student still attend CEC?
Answer Required

In the section below, please indicate the information of the AXIS Students who would be interested in riding the multi-age (K-12) CEC bus

Student #1: Grade (as of August 2022)*
Answer Required
Student #2: Grade (as of August 2022)
Answer Required
Student #3: Grade (as of August 2022)
Answer Required
Confirmation Email