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Media Permission



I do/do not give permission for my child to use or view the following:

Video Viewing*
Answer Required
Answer Required
Computer Use*
Answer Required

Regulations for facilities caring for children require that media use is permitted only with the written approval of a child’s parent or guardian, including appropriate time limits. These activities must not contain violence, profanity, nudity, sexual, or inappropriate content. All children must be provided with an alternative activity once the child/children lose interest in the media activity.



I grant permission for my child to attend and participate in on-site field trips. Including, but not limited to, the Gym, Field, and Music Room*
Answer Required


I understand that topical applications such as lip balms, lotions, diaper cream, ointment, corn starch/corn starch powders can only be applied as a prentative measure.  It is required by licensing that application to open or oozing sores and/or to continued or persistent diaper rash requires a medication administration form signed by me and the child's physician.

I also understand that I must provide the topical application and it must:

* Be appropriate for use on the child

* Be applied according to the instructions on the label

* Be labeled with the child's full name

* Be handed to a staff member, not left in a diaper bag or cubby

* Not be past the expiration date

* Aerosol sprays of any kind will not be used


I understand that my child (lised above) may be photographed at the preschool during normal preschool hours, on a preschool field trip, or during a preschool activity.  I understand that these photographs may be used in promoting child care services, either in print or on the internet.

By signing below I am granting permission for my child to be photographed, or their images recorded for print or electronic use in promoting the daycare's services.  I understand that it is my responsibility to update this form in the event that I no longer wigh to authorize the above uses.  I agree that this form will remain in ieffect during the term of my child;s enrollment.  I understand that there will be no payment for me or my child's participation in this release.


Prior to being applied by the preschool, sunscreen and insect repellent should be applied at least once at home to test for allergic reactions.

* Sunscreen should be SPF 15, or higher.

* Insect repellent may only be used if recommended by public health officials or requested by the parent or guardian.  Repellent must contain 30% DEET, or less.

All sunscreen and insect repellents provided by the parent or guardian MUST:

* Remain in it's original container

* Be labeled with the child's first and last  name.

* Be within the expiration date

* Be free of nut ingredients

I give permission for preschool staff to apply sunscreen and/or insect repellent to my child before going outside.  The suscreen and/or insect repellent will be provided by me, the parent or guardian.