Board of Directors


Tom Siegel, Board Chair
M.A. Education, 25-year veteran Teacher and Administrator, founder and Leadership Coach at Kite Coachingcharter school founder, Spanish speaker
Email: [email protected] 

Darcy Peters, Secretary
Social Media and Communications expert, Business Owner, Marine Corps veteran, AXIS parent of Mandarin learners
Email: [email protected]


Chuchang Chiu, Director 
Chuchang has a M.A. Mass Communication, U. of Minnesota. Master Instructor of Chinese at Colorado State University since 2003. Faculty Advisor of Colorado State University Chinese Language Club.



Dr. Mary Vogl, Director
Chief Academic Officer, Semester at Sea / Institute for Shipboard Education; Professor of French in the Department of Languages, Literatures, & Cultures at Colorado State University, served as Department Chair 2014-2019.



Wade Turner, Treasurer
Business Development Director, Math Champions, an International Singapore Math consulting group. Held a variety of senior-level roles across corporate, nonprofit, and governmental organizations. 20+ years on nonprofit and city Boards and 12+ years as a charter school parent and volunteer.KHSXEOLFDQGQRQSURILWVHFWRUVDVZHOODVPDQDJHPHQWUROHVZLWKVHYHUDOVWDUWXSV7XUQHU¶VFXUUHQWIRFXVLVHGXFDWLRQ+HLV%XVLQHVV'HYHORSPHQW'LUHFWRUDW0DWK&KDPSLRQV3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW//&ZKLFKZRUNVWRLPSURYHPDWKHGXFDWLRQLQVF




Board Purpose
The AXIS Governing Board is the ultimate authority and policy-making body for the school. The Board will provide strategic guidance for the school and will effectively oversee and review the school principal. As stewards of the AXIS mission, the AXIS Board of Directors will focus on the outward vision of AXIS International Academy.
The Board's three main responsibilities include:
● Ensuring a strategic approach to the school’s future by setting major goals, policy frameworks and strategies.
● Appointing, evaluating, and renewing the Head of School.
● Providing financial oversight of the school.
The AXIS International Academy Board of Directors typically meets at 6:00pm the 3rd Wednesday of each month at AXIS International Academy 2700 S Lemay Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80525. Please check the previous month's agenda for the upcoming meetings and also on the website calendar for any updated meeting information. 

All parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Although specific agenda items may vary month to month, the agenda format typically remains consistent. Previous agendas are posted below. Agendas are posted at least 24-hours in advance of the meeting. Meeting minutes are posted one month after the actual meeting, as they must be Board approved at the following meeting (i.e. January minutes are posted in February after approval of the January minutes at the February meeting). Once meeting minutes are approved and uploaded they replace the agenda posting on this site.


Visit our Financial Transparency Page by clicking the logo below: