About » Student Data Privacy

Student Data Privacy

Student Data Transparency & Security

Under Colorado’s Student Data Transparency and Security Act, AXIS International Academy is required to post and maintain the following information on its website: (1) a link to the Colorado Department of Education’s Data Dictionary; (2) a link to the Colorado Department of Education’s inventory of data containing personally identifiable information on individual students; (3) student personally identifiable information collected and maintained by AXIS in its electronic-data system that is not reported to the Colorado Department of Education; (4) a list of school-service-contract providers with which AXIS contracts that includes a copy of each school service contract; and (5) to the extent practicable, a list of the school service on-demand providers that AXIS and/or its employees use for school services.

Colorado Department of Education

Click here to access the Colorado Department of Education’s Data Dictionary.

Click here to access a list of the Colorado Department of Education’s inventory of data containing personally identifiable information on individual students.

A link to our Student Data Privacy Policy can be found on our Policies page by clicking here. 

School service contract providers for AXIS are linked in the document below along with a link to their contract with AXIS and a link to their website.

Information regarding the data elements of student personally identifiable information that the school service contract provider collects under the contract, the purpose for which the school service contract provider collects the student personally identifiable information, an explanation of how the school service contract provider uses the student personally identifiable information, and an explanation of how and why the school service contract provider shares the student personally identifiable information, if applicable, may be found in the provider's contract with AXIS and/or on the provider's website. In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the provider's contract and the provider's website regarding such information, the contract shall be controlling.

Click here for a list of the School Service Contract Providers

School service on-demand providers for AXIS International Academy are listed below. 

NOTE: AXIS will post the names of on-demand providers and their on-demand school services (together with any written response the on-demand providers may submit) and notify the Colorado Department of Education if AXIS ceases using or refuses to use the on-demand provider and its school services for: (a) not substantially complying with the on-demand provider’s own privacy policies; (b) selling student personally identifiable information; (c) using or sharing student personally identifiable information for purposes of targeted advertising to students; (d) using student personally identifiable information to create a personal profile of a student other than for supporting purposes authorized by AXIS or with the consent of an eligible student or a student’s parent/guardian; or (e) not maintaining a comprehensive information security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security, privacy, confidentiality and integrity of student personally identifiable information with appropriate administrative, technological and physical safeguards.

Click here for a list of the School Service On-Demand Providers