Liz Rand » The "S" in AXIS

The "S" in AXIS

The "S" in AXIS represents our commitment to social, emotional, and cognitive skills development in our students. Often in education this is referred to as Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL.
Social-Emotional Learning (or SEL) addresses the skills that we need to relate to and work with others, set goals, manage ourselves and our behavior, and resolve conflict. These are skills that we learn and development throughout our lives -- at home, in our communities, and also at school. Here at AXIS International Academy, we recognize our students and staff as whole people who are learning and growing in many different ways. Attending to social-emotional learning is part of how we support our students in developing these skills that will benefit them in the classroom and beyond.
School and Classroom Climate
Climate refers to the feelings and behaviors expressed and experienced in a space -- both the physical space around us and the interactions we have with others. We measure our school climate throughout the year by surveying parents, students, and staff. We work constantly to foster a healthy climate in our school community through positive behavior practices (AXIS 3 R's and Class Dojo) and to support individual growth and learning through RULER (our SEL curriculum), lunch bunches, and recess support.