Updates and Return to School » COVID Decision Making

COVID Decision Making

Statement on Mask Decision Making
Dear AXIS Families,
As a public school there are many factors we consider when making any decision, and that includes COVID-related decisions. We wanted to share more about the information we considered in making the recent decision to wear masks at AXIS. 
Public Health, Medical Experts, and Larimer County COVID Data Dashboard
We reviewed the recommendations made by public health and medical experts:
All of these entities recommend universal indoor mask wearing for unvaccinated individuals including children over two years old to keep kids safe and to keep kids onsite and learning in person. It is important to note that universal mask wearing is not the same as choice/partial mask wearing, which is not the recommendation. These doctors and public health professionals (in our state and community) express increased concern about the Delta variant, as hospitalizations of children due to COVID has hit the highest point of the pandemic. To reduce any legal risk, our attorney recommends we follow public health guidance. 
We review local COVID data from Larimer County Public Health and Environment data dashboard. Larimer County is currently in the "high" risk range. This information is updated daily. 
Additional COVID Information from LCPHE:
Consideration of Decisions of Other Schools and School Districts
We review decisions of other school districts and schools, and we particularly look to the decision of our geographic district PSD (Poudre School District). In addition to PSD, we know of at least eight semi-local school districts who have mask wearing policies: Denver Public Schools, Jefferson County, Adams 14, Westminster, Boulder Valley, Sheridan, and St. Vrain. We also connect with and consider the decisions of other charter schools, and locally three other Fort Collins charter schools are wearing masks and these language immersion schools in Denver are wearing masks: Denver Language School (charter) and the International School of Denver (a private school). 
Consideration of AXIS Stakeholder Input
At AXIS we include stakeholder input in many aspects of our school and decision making, and we included your survey feedback in our decision making. Similar to our greater community, opinions on mask wearing and mask choice at AXIS is closely divided. We are so glad we gave you all this survey so that we could hear from you and hear your specific concerns on wearing or not wearing masks. I want you to know that no matter your response, you are welcome here, and we value you and your children.
In September, we will be forming a Health and Wellness sub-committee, which will be a forum for stakeholder input into discussions and decision making. Please look for forthcoming information in a September weekly school-wide newsletter.     
Thank you for your continued support,
Kari and the AXIS Team